I am pleased to announce the slate of papers and tutorials for BSDCan 2025.
- ELF Nightmares: GOTs, PLTs, and Relocations Oh My – John Baldwin
- Adventures in porting a Wayland Compositor to NetBSD and OpenBSD – Jeff Frasca
- Why (and how) we’re migrating many of our servers from Linux to the BSDs – Stefano Marinelli
- Hardware-accelerated program tracing on FreeBSD – Bojan Novković
- Improvements to FreeBSD KASAN – Zhuo Ying Jiang Li
- The NetBSD Packet Filter(NPF) – Emmanuel Nyarko
- A History of the BSD Daemon – Marshall Kirk McKusick
- Effective Bug Reports, Code Change Requests, and Conference Proposals – Michael Dexter
- Controlled credentials transitions without privileges: mac_do(4), mdo(1) and setcred(2) – Olivier Certner
- A packet’s journey through pf – Kristof Provost
- Enhancing Unix Education through Chaos Engineering and Gamification using FreeBSD – Benedict Reuschling
- A distributed filesystem for OpenBSD – Rob Keizer
- ZFS Direct IO Benchmarking Pitfalls – Mateusz Piotrowski
- Flipping Bits: Memory Errors in the Machine – Taylor Campbell
- ABI stability in FreeBSD – ShengYi Hung
- The state of 3d-printing from OpenBSD – Andrew Hewus Fresh
- Approaches to Create FreeBSD Based Commercial Desktop Operating System – Alvin Chen
- Confidential Computing with OpenBSD — The Next Step – Hans-Jörg Höxer
- Migrating BSDCan structure and infrastructure – Adam Thompson
- Running a root DNS server on FreeBSD — from Alpha to Now – Daniel Mahoney
- Vox FreeBSD: How sound(4) works – Christos Margiolis
- An embedded “dev kit” for EndBASIC with NetBSD – Julio Merino
- Sleep on FreeBSD: A bedtime story about S0ix – Aymeric Wibo
- Sandbox Your Program Using FreeBSD’s Capsicum – Jake Freeland
- porch(1): it’s not what you expect(1) – Kyle Evans
- Automating My FreeBSD Lab: From Setup to Daily Use with Ansible & Salt – Roller Angel
- IPv6 Tutorial – Massimiliano Stucchi
- Using Ansible and SSH to manage FreeBSD systems at scale and reproducible – Albert Dengg
- Building a Personal BSD Security Lab: From Development to Deployment – Jasveen Sandral
- An Introduction to awk: from awk-ward to awesome – Benedict Reuschling
- Network Management with the OpenBSD Packet Filter – Peter Hansteen
Additionally, we’ve persuaded Margo Seltzer to offer a keynote. She’s the Canada 150 Research Chair in Computer Systems and the Cheriton Family Chair in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, and an old-school BSD hacker.
All submitters have been notified and asked to confirm attendance. If your name is on this list and you did not receive a confirmation request, please check your spam filter or notify info@bsdcan.org
We intend to maintain the practice of reimbursing expenses within 30 days of the conference ending. There might be a straggler or two, but we accomplished that last year and see no reason we can’t repeat it this year. In return, we’re asking that speakers purchase their flights within the next month. Airfare is our biggest expense, and holding down costs helps us throw a better conference.
Registration is now open! The closing reception, including drinks, is now included for everyone who registers before 20 May 2025. We do ask that you click the box so that we can get an accurate attendee count. Vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores will be catered to.
Register at https://indico.bsdcan.org/event/5/registrations/8/ .
Speaking as the con chair, I think we’ve got a great slate of speakers. Which event will be my favorite, though? The one where I hand the 2026 con chair position over to Patrick McEvoy. I’m gonna love that one.
See you in June!